Matthew Marchese,
Director of Debt and Treasury Management
Design and install a new 11 KV Alternative Maritime Power (AMP) system for Cruise Ships at Berths 49-51. Work includes contruction of a new LADWP 34.5KV industrial Station, new 34.5KV switchgear, new 18MVA transformer equipped with Automatic Load Tap Change (ALTC) to automatically adjust the necessary transfomer tap changes under load, new 11KV AMP switchgear, 2 new 11KV wharf AMP outlets, and a 11KV AMP mobile cable management for cruise ships connections.
In addition, this project requires the extension of a new LADWP 34.5KV circuit through existing LADWP underground conduit (from 22nd Street to Berth 49 along Miner Street). Project also includes Berths 49 and 50 wharf structural AMP, landside strutural AMP support, Berths 49-50 concrete wharf repairs, furnish and install hybrid fender backing panel including steel pipe piles and timber piles, new foam-filled fendering system, new utilities including water lines and sewer connections, customer requested civil improvements to improve pedestrian and vehicular access, safety, and security for the cruise customers and opeartions, and site removals. Project cost is $35 million and design is expected to be complete in 2024 with construction completion by 2027.